Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Project 365, Day 26, January 26

038, originally uploaded by megan bauer.

Owen had two teeth pulled yesterday. I don't know the name of the teeth they pulled, but they were the two next to the top 4, one on each side. This of course means he missed YET ANOTHER day of school. This means he has missed the last 8 out of 10 days!!! OMG! Anyway, he did wonderful. They put him to sleep w/ an inhalation mask AND put an IV in, but the whole thing took, literally, 15 minutes and then about another 30 minutes for him to wake up. They sent us home w/ Tylenol Codeine. But, I never even filled the prescription. He took Motrin once and bounced off my walls the rest of the day. All of this to prepare for a future of orthodontics and beautiful teeth.


Spindler Clan said...

Glad it went well! :) I'll have to tell Keaton that it is a piece of cake since he is going to have to go when he is 8 years.

Toni said...

What a crazy experience for a 8-year-old! Can't wait to see his mouth transform into perfection!

Amy Busch said...

Glad he bounced back so quickly!

Amy Busch said...

Also meant to say I love the creativity of this shot!