Monday, January 19, 2009

One better, one worse....

Henry woke at 5 this AM. He was neither poopy nor wet. Good news. Bad news. He hadn't peed in at least 10 hours, but he hadn't pooped in 7. As the morning has progressed, he seems to be feeling better. He's only pooped once. And, he's had quite a bit of pedialyte and a half banana. Hopefully, he'll only get better from here.

Owen came running in my my room at 5 this AM saying he was going to puke. He didn't. But, he did have diarrhea. He has still not vomited, but he has waves of nausea off and on. Hopefully, this is as bad as it gets for him. But, it means I still can't send him to school tomorrow. He will miss yet another day. 5 out of the last 6 days Owen hasn't been in school.

Eddie, Emmett, and I are still sticking w/ toast, bananas, and Cheerios. Recovery is slow, but I'm down 4 pounds in 2 days. One super fun benefit :)

My mom arrives tomorrow (yipee!). But, I'm a bit panicked about her getting sick.

One final note: My kids are watching Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. I CAN'T believe I'm letting them watch it. (In my defense, it is rated PG). Owen, my sweet little guy, doesn't like it. He said people are hurting one another. Emmett said he LOVES it.


Becky Evans said...

Megan, I know this sounds crazy considering the weather, but open the windows in the rooms you are not using at the moment. Let in some fresh air for about 30 minutes or so plus it will kill some of the bacteria lurking around making you all sick. My husband swears that is the answer to warding off illness.

Toni said...

Soooo glad things are getting better! And with Mom arriving soon, heck you can see the bright side to everything at this point!

I think I got major sympathy pains from you. After I talked with you on the phone on Saturday, I started feeling icky- mostly my stomach. Before I went to bed that night, I puked all of my dinner. Haven't had a sore stomach since. Weird eh?

Be well, Friend!