Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Big boy in big haircut chair.

image, originally uploaded by megan bauer.

I took the boys for haircuts today. It was Henry's second. The hairstylist put Henry in a chair on a booster seat and it was absolutely hysterical. He looked like such a little guy under the black tarp. But, he didn't move a muscle. And, he no longer has hair in his eyes. This photo was taken w/ my new phone and since I don't really know how to work my phone yet, it's blurry. Better luck next time.


Jeanne Oliver said...

Benjamin is two and he still has not had a trim. He has these wonderful curls in the back and I know they will go away if we cut, we have a bit of a mullet going on. As my husband says, "business in the front and party in the back".

Anonymous said...

He's looking so old now! I did a double take when I first saw this pic because I thought it was Emmett!


Toni said...

Sooooo cute! Such a big boy!!! Unbelieveable he didn't squirm or fidget.

Can you believe D got his first cut when he was 6 weeks?? They did the cape too and Darn Dad didn't have a camera (he didn't tell me he was taking him either!!!).