Saturday, December 13, 2008

Kudos to my dear hubby and wonderful kids.

What a great day and a half it's been for me. Last night, I had a Pampered Chef party at my house (my good friend, Sheila, is a consultant) and Henry was still sick and didn't nap a good portion of the day and I LITERALLY cleaned my house w/ Henry on my hip. (not fun...but I got it done). Eddie had strict instructions to keep himself and the boys away from our estrogen filled party. I think my words included something like, "THIS IS MY SOCCER!! NO KIDS!! NO HUSBANDS!!". (he plays once a week, remember?). Anyway, he came through. He came home and put Henry to bed before the party started and then took the big boys to Chili's for dinner. He came home w/ the boys around 930, said hi, and then disappeared upstairs w/ the boys. We never heard another peep from the boys. Heaven. 6 of us sat around chatting until 1130. It was great. Today, we had 3 soccer games, one soccer practice, and two piano lessons. And, Eddie gave me my Christmas present.....a Blackberry Storm! It's AWESOME! My house is quiet. Eddie took Owen to a semi pro soccer game. His coaches play on the team. Good night.


Spindler Clan said...

Thanks again for hosting a party Meg! It was so relaxing to just sit and chat. We all really needed that girl time didn't we? did a beautiful job with all your Christmas cute. I think you need to takes pics of your centerpiece you created and post it on your blog!

Toni said...

FUUUUUNNNN! I miss you having parties here in Colorado!!! Now I never do that kind of stuff! Poor me!