Sunday, February 1, 2009


We had a super busy weekend and I will update soon. For now, I'm exhausted. And, it's 9 pm and Owen is still not asleep and he's absolutely fighting going to sleep (yet again, as is our nightly pattern). This may not sound like a huge deal, but let me give you a quick summary of yesterday. Owen (and Emmett) had piano lessons and then we spent 7 hours at the soccer center. Owen had 4 games. Then, we came home for an hour and took Owen to a birthday party. Then, we went to the semi-pro soccer game and didn't get home and in bed to 1130 pm. Emmett and Henry were sleeping and the neighbor boy came over and babysat. BUT, this is why I'm losing my mind. As I said, Owen is still awake (now at 9:15 pm). He went to bed last night at 1130 pm and was up at 7 this AM for a grand total of 7.5 hours of sleep (keep in mind that's after 4 soccer games, piano lesson, and a birthday party). He is STILL awake at 9:15. This is what he does. And, it can't be normal for a 8 year old. What to do? What to do?

1 comment:

Rudd Family said...

So the yoga isn't working? I have this same problem with Tyler. It takes him a long time to fall asleep- usually 1 hour, but sometimes 2 or more. Saturday night he didn't fall asleep until 11 p.m. and last night he didn't fall asleep until 9:30. Can't find much helpful info online or in my sleep books. If you get a great solution please let me know!

I'm thinking about tracking his day (how busy/active, amount of tv watched, time he went to bed, etc) to see if I can can find some sort of pattern.