Friday, February 13, 2009

Breakfast food help

009, originally uploaded by megan bauer.

Henry has turned into a picky eater. My big boys are kind of picky although they eat lots of different foods. They eat what I cook for dinner every night, probably because they learned early on that they eat what I cook or they don't eat. Some of our dinner meals: chicken and polenta, tortellini soup, taco soup, chili, steak, round steak, potatoes, carrots, green beans, peas, beans, chicken and rice, teriyaki chicken, spaghetti, manicotti. And, I make everything from scratch. No canned spaghetti sauce for me. It's healthier (and cheaper) to do it from scratch and since I feed the kids M & M's the rest of the day, I like them to have a semi-healthy breakfast and dinner. But, they will only eat these foods, if I cook them. They love my chili...yours, they won't touch. So, they eat a variety of foods, but they are picky. Owen has a particular aversion to fruit and cold foods (except ice cream and popsicles). No yogurt, cheese, pudding, jelly, lunch meat, etc. Nothing cold. I make him soup for lunch everyday. And, there is no fruit he will eat. None. But, he doesn't mind vegetables so much. Anyway, I've been feeding Henry a larger variety of foods then my big boys, because he would eat it. But, no longer. And, I'm particularly stumped w/ breakfast foods. Normally, I would give him yogurt, blueberries, bananas, and a whole grain waffle. He will no longer touch yogurt, blueberries, or bananas. The waffle goes over so-so. He won't touch oatmeal. And, when I give him cereal w/ a little milk, he'll take a bite or two before dumping it. The only thing he eats well for breakfast now is scrambled eggs. I don't always have time in the AM to make them, so I need more suggestions. Do you have breakfast ideas: quick, fast, and healthy?


Anonymous said...

Welcome to my Lauren's world. She is so picky. I make some great whole grain pancakes and freeze them. I also do smoothies, he may like them since he likes ice cream. I struggle everyday with her diet. Call me an we can chat!

Rudd Family said...

We go through that same rotation but most days Tyler eats Quaker Simple Harvest Oatmeal with barley and flaxseed in it.

When I make waffles I microwave frozen berries, mash them up with my fork and then pour them onto his waffle. I let it sit a minute so the waffle absorbs all of the berry juice. It's still a little messy but he loves it.

You can always make scrambled eggs in the microwave. Mix egg, a splash of milk and shredded cheese and wisk with your fork. Micro for 30 seconds, stir and then 30 more seconds.

Anonymous said...

Try: toast with jelly or cinnamon sugar, muffins, bacon, sausage, french toast, sweet potato pancakes (Deceptively Delicious and you can freeze them and reheat in the morning), smoothies. Oh, and I get Earth's Best Snack Bars that I give them if they don't eat much and they need to go to school. PediaSure also makes NutriPals Nutrition Bars. Good on a pinch. Not all healthy but you never know.


MAEE said...

Believe it or not, I keep cooked pasta on hand at all times. Ethan will ask for it morning, noon and night. Eats it cold, heated with just butter, or heated with cheese melted. Carbs and dairy, no different than cereal.


how about breakfast bars? kids usually like those and they are easy and most healthy. logann eats cheese sticks a lot for breakfast, she is so picky!

Toni said...

Nah...just stick to M&Ms ALL day =)
Thank goodness your kiddos inherited soooo many marvelous genes because the picky eater/ bad sleeper/ easily sicky genes SUCK!!!!

Jeanne Oliver said...

If he likes eggs try making little quiches in a muffin tin and then all you have to do it microwave them in the morning. It helps me. Good luck.