Monday, February 23, 2009

I am releasing control.......

Really. I am. At least I'm trying. Hard. Really, really hard. It's 930 pm and Owen is upstairs reading. I leave him in bed every night at 830 pm. I give him one hour of laying there and if he's still awake after that hour, he can read. It's about the only thing that works for us. And, he is almost always asleep before 930. But, about 2 times a week he gets up at 930. And, then he stays up. And up. And up some more. Last night he was up until after 11. Eddie and I turned off the lights for bed and he was still awake...saying, I think I'll try to sleep again now. (keep in mind, he's up around 630 AM every morning, irregardless of when he falls asleep). So, after school today he watched a program about tornadoes. I left him at 830 and 2 minutes later, he was up. And up. And up some more. Scared about tornadoes. In tears. Finally, I gave in. I'm all OWEN! I DON'T care what you do. Just stay in bed. Fine. Read. But stay in your room. It's my quiet time. Releasing control. Breathe in. Breathe out.

1 comment:

Amy Axe said...

I agree with the releasing control. We let Lauren stay up as long as she wants with a small book light. She just turns it off when she feels tired. Most nights it is quick, but others it takes a while. Give it a try. Good luck!