I have a presciption for Tamiflu in my stubby little fingers. It's up to me to take it or not as a preventative method. It is a medication and no medication is without risks, but it would prevent me from getting the swine flu (if I were going to get it...). So, advice please. What would you do? Tamiflu or not?
I try to live by the whole "better to be safe than sorry" mentality, so if I were you I'd take it.
I took it last year when I was exposed to infuenza and threw up every last drop of it. It was an expensive prescription. I would think about if you usually get sick from meds or not. Good luck!
I would take it too. Scary stuff, that Swine Flu. Given your family's propensity to chaos, I gotta go preventative for you!
I'm thinking I would probably take it.
I agree with the others, with the luck you all have had with sickness lately, I would err on the side of caution and take it.
i would worry about risking exposure to henry. anyone else in the family exposed? i don't think even if you got sick it would be a big deal for you. it's the little ones...
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