Monday, June 15, 2009

And today...

it's the swine flu.

Owen's pediatrician says that he has the swine flu. I'm not completely convinced. Here in Onondaga County there is such a huge amount of new swine flu cases that they won't test children anymore, unless they are hospitalized. My pediatrician called the health department to see if they would. (why is it that important you ask? Well...we're supposed to go to Hershey, PA, for a soccer tournament this weekend and if he REALLY has the swine flu..he's supposed to be in isolation for 7 days. I don't want to miss the tournament for a maybe....). And, they wouldn't. They say if you have flu like symptoms stay home for 7 days.

Anyway, he woke up w/ a fever this AM and cough, runny nose, sneezing. I took him in at 1120 this AM and she tested him in the office for influenza A and B and strep. That was all negative. She said that swine flu doesn't usually show up on the in office culture and since he doesn't have influenza A or B, then he must have influenza H1N1 (swine). She said he has that flu look and she's convinced he has it. She sent him for a chest x-ray and he has pneumonia. He started coughing at 8 this AM and already had pneumonia by noon. She said that his flu has caused the pneumonia and that it is a secondary infection. I don't want to believe it.....

And, I don't know what I'm going to do. I called the swine flu hotline phone number that she gave me and I asked them how long he has to stay home. They said to stay home for as long as he has symptoms. I called three times, just to make sure. And each person said....stay home for as long as he has symptoms. He's on the tamiflu and the doctor said as long as his pneumonia doesn't get worse, he should feel MUCH better in 24 hours. So, if that's the case we may head to the soccer tournament after all. It will be 5 days after we started the tamiflu. I guess all we can do is take it day by day and pray the other kids don't get it.

Want to hear the rest of my bad news?

There's a family on Owen's soccer team that's angry w/ me (it's a really long story). I'm the tournament manager and have done all the planning for this weekend. Anyway, if they confront me again, I'm going to call the police.

My dishwasher broke. I can't get anyone out to look at it until Wednesday.

The second grade was performing for the school today in a flag day assembly that they have been working on forever. Owen had to miss it. You all know how much he likes performing. He was so bummed.

And now for the good news...



Erica said...

OMG! Seriously, Meg. You need to write a book. I am so glad your mom is there!!!
You SO need a vacation, and I guess that is about as close as you're going to get at this point!!!

Elizabeth said...

I'm glad your mom is there too! And I'm glad that Owen is recovering so quickly. And I'll pray that no one else gets sick. Have a great time in PA!