Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Swine flu update.

I don't mean to disagree w/ my pediatrician, because she's wonderful. So, if he really does have the swine flu, then it is the mildest illness that he has had all year. Yes, he laid on the couch a good portion of the day yesterday. Yes, he's had a fever. BUT, he laid on the couch off and on yesterday for a total of 8 hours and he hasn't had a fever since 2 AM (so he had a fever for a total of 15 hours). How is this the dreaded swine flu?

And, OK, maybe the tamiflu helped. BUT, he took his 1st dose of it at 2 pm yesterday. He was bouncing around by 5 pm. I don't think one dose would have changed him THAT quickly.

I can't keep him down today. He's outside playing soccer. The rest of the week, assuming he continues to feel better and better, is going to be a struggle. He does not want to sit still.

I'm praying that he continues to get better. I'm praying that the rest of us don't get sick. I'm praying that we all have a great, healthy time in Hershey on Friday. :) Prayer. Positive affirmations. Knocking on wood. I'm doing it all.

1 comment:


where is all this bad karma coming from? swine flus, utis, pneumonia, this, that! i haven't read your blog in 2 weeks and i think it took me an hour to get through the last 2 weeks!
how are you still alive, i would have taken the bridge years ago if i were you.
sending positive thoughts and prayers for hershey, PA. keep us posted and by the way i think you need to move out of that house, something just doesn't add up over there, it has to be the house. bad news b'ville i think. get out!