Wednesday, April 22, 2009

How about this for happy?

014, originally uploaded by megan bauer.

Some good news...maybe? He still had his IV this AM and they said they wouldn't be sending him home for at least 24 hours after his IV was out. So, they said he would go home maybe Thursday or Friday.

I was bummed. But....then his IV infiltrated and they had to take it out. So, they said we would see how he does and if he does well, maybe, just maybe he would go home tonight. Yipee!!! (maybe).

But, it's almost 2 in the afternoon and he's only had about 200 cc of fluid in AND he's pooped 5 times, so I'm not sure that's going to be enough to send him home. Fingers and toes double crossed.

His rash all over his body is continuing to expand and now they think it might be from a latex allergy. UGH!

We bathed him today and he's running around the room much happier since he's not attached to an IV pole. Now if only he would drink.....


Anonymous said...

He looks so much better! I'm sure the bath really helped him perk up too. My toes and fingers are doubled crossed for you guys!

Amy Coffman Phillips said...

he looks so happy! whew. so good to see him smile again.