Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Good morning!

Henry didn't sleep a whole lot last night, but he's sitting up eating this morning. For the first time in four days. Toast. Let's hope it stays down.
There's rumors that we MIGHT get to leave the PICU today and head to a "regular" floor. Fingers crossed.


Anonymous said...

YAY!!!! Fingers crossed!

Anonymous said...

That rocks! He looks a ton better. So glad that you might get moved today. Everyone would be so much more comfortable. I'm praying the improvements keep coming and fast.

Toni said...

YIPPEE! He does look better! Here's to a MUCH improved day!

JulyG319 said...

Good news!!! I'll join in in keeping my fingers crossed you get to transfer to the regular floor.
Again BIG hugs to you all!!!

Crazycarmella said...

Thank goodness!!!!! We are praying for him!!!!