Wednesday, October 15, 2008


005, originally uploaded by megan bauer.

"I have glasses!!"

Emmett's glasses came in today and when I told him we should go pick them up, he said, "UMMM....maybe tomorrow." So, I picked him up after preschool and said, "we're going now.". He was a little nervous, but now it's pure excitement. We have eyeglass cleaner and every so often he says, "mom...time to spray my glasses again.". He says he can see much better. I'm so happy for him. Henry on the other hand pulled them off his face twice and I thought for sure they were broken (on the first day!) But, they're made out of that flexion material, which is supposed to completely bendable. Hopefully, we'll be OK. He put his glasses in his glasses case tonight and set them by his bed.


Southworth Crew said...

how handsome

Anonymous said...

They look GREAT! I'm so happy for him. This is going to open up a whole new world to him!


Toni said...

Wow! They do make him look different- an older and wiser Em! I hope he continues to like them!

Spindler Clan said...

Cool glasses Emmett! I agree with Toni...he does look older and wiser! :)

Crazycarmella said...

I love them!!! I'm a sucker for kids with glasses!!!