Sunday, October 26, 2008


OMG! For those of you who have known Owen since he was born, remember how he used to bang his head when he got mad?? Do you remember how he would get mad and then look for a hard surface to walk to and bang his poor forehead? Remember how if he was on the grass, he would walk to concrete to inflict pain to himself? Remember how we used to worry about how something was seriously wrong w/ him because he wanted to hurt himself?? Well...funny thing....Henry is now doing that! Today he got mad when I wouldn't let him play on the piano while Owen was practicing and he crawled over to our hard wood floor and BANGED his head, HARD! This is so interesting to me, because I was just telling Eddie how Henry's personality reminds me of Owen. He's not necessarily crabby or fussy, but he's demanding a lot of attention. If there's not action in our house, he wants me to hold him or play w/ him. Just like Owen did. It'll be interesting to see how this unfolds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too funny! At least you know that he will survive without injury just as Owen did.