Thursday, September 11, 2008

Future Pet?

There was a segment on the Today Show (today) about best pets for small kids. And, since my kids have been relentlessly BEGGING for a pet, I tuned in (I've tried to explain to them that they have a baby brother and that's WAY cooler than a pet but they're not buying it). Anyway, this is about the fifth article/segment that I have seen that names the RAT as the best pet!! Better then the hamster. Better then the guinea pig. Better then the gerbil ( I can attest to this. We had a gerbil that attacked my brother and dad once. It was a bloody mess!). We're talking about rats that are bred in captivity, not the ones you can grab while riding the subway in the city. I live w/ a litter of boys. They think rats are cool. I may (when I give in to the pet thing.....which I'm hoping won't be for another year or two) be he proud owner of a pet rat (Rattouille and Stuart Little are cute, right? How about the Frisby's from The Secret of Nimh?) Oh...corn snakes were the other hot pet. My boys would DIG that, too :)


MAEE said...

EWWW! I'd take fur over scales any day. Although that rat tail can so look snake-like! But I have heard good things about rats, also. Can't say as I have ever met one, though. Eamonn wanted a tarantula when he was four and as soon as I gave in and seriously talked about it he chickened out, much to his father's relief!

Erica said...

Meg - are you losing your mind?? a RAT or SNAKE?!? girl! do we need an intervention here?!? =)

I'd keep pulling the Henry is cooler than a pet act! I mean, he can bark too, right?..and the boys will soon be able to bring him on walks! hehe.

Spindler Clan said...

Oh man....I don't think I could do either of those! I really have a hard time with rodents. FREAK me out!!!! Snakes don't bother me as much but still not so sure I could handle one as a pet. What about fish Meg? :) Did you bring up that option or maybe hermit crabs? Good luck! Remember...when you go on vacation you will need to have someone who will take care of your rat for you. Just pre-warning you not to call me!!!! And no giving my boys any ideas!!! :)

life with my boys... said...

You're friggin nuts...stick to the baby brother as a pet business...I love animals, but a rat...Stuart Little is a mouse and a millionaire, not a rat! Tell them you already have a rat in the house...Eddie! Imagine cleaning that cage every two days...I find it hard enough to keep up with the kids! And NO, after a week they WON'T be doing it, no matter what they saY!!!!!!
And the're whacked! You KNOW it will get out...Imagine it in your bed in the middle of the night!!! Although there aleady is a snake in your bed...Eddie again! He's a great pet!

Amy Coffman Phillips said...

gross, meg. those things are nasty. but i live in nyc.

JB said...

What's wrong with good ol' Rover?

Anonymous said...

Yuck, yuck and more yuck! Good luck with that one. My kiddos will remain petless for a bit.

Toni said...

HAHAHA- Amy is hilarious (and so right!). Yah, petless here for as long as I can. The smell/clean thing can't be good!