Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sick Baby

IMG_4126, originally uploaded by megan bauer.

at Emmett's graduation. Henry got sick the night before Emmett's graduation (Tuesday). High fever, cough, runny nose, etc. By Thursday, his breathing was more labored he was throwing up and having diarrhea. He has bronchitis and another ear infection (his fourth). We are nebbing him three times a day, plus she put him on an oral sterioid and antibiotic. She threatened that if he wasn't better by Friday, she would send us back to the hospital. Thankfully, he seemed to improve. Today (Sunday) he seems on the upswing but is super irritable and not sleeping or eating well. The inhaled and oral steroids I think are contributing to his disposition (poor baby). Interestingly, he had only gained 2 ounces since his 6 month check up two weeks ago. She wasn't concerned, so I guess I won't be either....

1 comment:

Toni said...

Poor, poor Henry! Life stinks when you're sick!