Monday, June 9, 2008


I'm thinking about having an IUD put in and because our insurance doesn't cover them my OB said he would waive the doctor's visit. Pretty good deal, eh? NO! Even w/ the waived OB visit the whole sha-bang costs $767.00! OMG! I suppose it would still be cheaper than many years of birth control pill co-pays (it stays in for 10 years), but if we decided to have another baby in two years it would definetely not be worth it!


Toni said...

I wouldn't do the IUD until you're sure about the baby #4. What's wrong with how you did things in between Em and Hen?


4 kids are you crazy woman! you'd fit in down here, these southern women like big families too.

iowaguelys said...

We're in the EXACT same boat! Shane votes for 4, I'm not sure about all that...