Sunday, June 15, 2008

All night cafe

IMG_4269, originally uploaded by megan bauer.

I think I'm officially to the point where I could let Henry cry at night without feeling guilty. I'm SO tired and there's just no reason he should be getting up as often as he does. Case in point, last night: fed at 9:30 PM, fed at 1230 AM, up at 2 AM, up at 3:30 AM, and fed at 5:30 AM. I AM DONE! He gets one more week (just in case he still doesn't feel 100%), but then his goose is cooked. The all night cafe is closed.


iowaguelys said...

HA! You make me laugh! I love it...the cafe is CLOSED. let me know how it goes!

David Phillips said...

keep telling yourself: "i am not a buffet, i am not a buffet..." good luck! it's for the best - for both of you.

Erica said...

Heheee. AMEN!!
Easier said than done...I admit, Julia has been getting some nighttime feedings, since..uh, Mother's Day when we developed this cold/ear infection.
I keep going back to the doc thinking "she's just going to cry it out again now, she's not sick!" and alas, the doc says the darn ears are still full. AGGGGGGGG.
Keep us posted on how this goes!!!


you crack me up meg!! yeah if (big if) there is a oops number 3 i will close my cafe at midnight, a lot sooner than i did with logann. i swear to god i fed her every 2 hours til she was 10 months. don't do it!!! sleep deprivation sucks! and i truly believe she is still such a needy kid because of that round the clock cafe.