Tuesday, January 15, 2008

He did it (again!)

Even without the supplemental bottle, Henry slept 5 1/2 hours last night! Hopefully, this means he will sleep at least this long from here on out, right?


Amy Coffman Phillips said...

ellie has her moments, but for the most part, she's been sleeping through the night since she was about a month old. in fact, we got worried that she was eating too much at about 4 months so we took away the dream feed. she started waking up at 3 and wanting a bottle. we reinstated the dream feed until she was 7 months old and all was well. now, she sleeps like a champ from 8pm to 6am. (used to sleep to 8am. i miss those days. :)

Amy Coffman Phillips said...

do you have the "baby whisper" book? if not, i'll send you mine. i followed it and ellie has been a lovely little "angel" baby. it really helps.

Toni said...

Super! You should have Henry sign a contract to stick to that routine! It doesn't hurt to think positively!

life with my boys... said...

he'll be great! you deserve it, right?!