Saturday, September 5, 2009

Yesterday was a super important day for the Bauer Family....

019, originally uploaded by megan bauer.

Emmett turned 6! And, of course, birthdays are always exciting. But this one is extra special. The age 6 has been swirling around magically in the air since Emmett was 3 and it seemed like it couldn't get here fast enough. It's here. And, we're rejoicing. Why?

6 is the age at which Emmett's risk of seizures disappears. His neurologist promises that as of the age 6, Emmett will remain seizure free. That's reason to celebrate. And, celebrate we did. And have. I can throw away his rectal valium (although, I wont...yet). I can sleep peacefully at night when he's sick (although...that will be hard to do). But, I have been promised. 6 = seizure free.

It's here. And, we're ecstatic.

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