Thursday, September 3, 2009

And yet another bad score for Bville, NY....

Turns out Baldwinsville, NY is NOT a walkable place to live. Absolutely shocking, right? (and I don't think they took into consideration the 3 foot of snow that is on the ground for 5 months of the year). Amy shared a blogsite with me that ranks the "walkability" of your neighborhood. NOT, I repeat, NOT how pretty it is to walk through your neighborhood....because I suspect that we would have done a little better then we did if that were the case. But, how easy it is to live a car-free life style in your neighborhood. Not easy in Bville. We ranked 24 out of 100. Bad. Really bad. What does your neighborhood rank? Share it w/ me...I'm looking for a new place to live and w/ the current condition of our cars, we may need to live a car free life style soon. The website is

1 comment:

Alison said...

62. "Somewhat walkable." And I do love walking when I can. (read as: when Emerson allows it...she doesn't love the stroller.)