Saturday, October 31, 2009

027, originally uploaded by megan bauer.

Henry didn't do a whole lot of walking. It was past his bedtime and he definitely preferred being carried. We'd carry him up to the door and put him down and he'd stand w/ the boys and say, "twick or tweet" which really just sounded like, "tweet tweet". Then, he added, "I toot" which is "I'm cute." After the first 5 or so houses told him he was cute, he thought that he should just add that in for them, so they didn't have to bother :).

Oh, and oddly enough, EVERYONE thought he was a girl. Must be because he's so pretty. EVERYONE said "she" to in, "what kind of candy does she want?". We also heard, "what does your sister like." Hilarious! After awhile, Owen and Emmett got tired of telling each house that Henry was a boy, and they ignored it.


Toni said...

What a memorable first trick or treat experience!!!! Definitely toot!

Alison said...

"Tweet tweet. I toot!" Bwahahahahah!!!! I literally have tears in my eyes. Kidspeak is so stinkin' funny. Super cute costumes. You are a brave woman.