Tuesday, October 20, 2009

More drama and head trauma

I worked 12 hour nights on both Saturday and Sunday, which left me w/ very little sleep and a horrible stomachache. When I woke Monday early afternoon and checked my phone, I noticed that I had missed calls from the school nurse and Eddie. I quickly called the school nurse back and she said that she had Owen in the office and Eddie was on his way to get him (by this point school had ended and she wouldn't put him on the bus). Turns out he collided w/ a friend at school and fell backwards and hit his head....hard. His teacher saw the whole thing and walkie talkied for the gym teacher, who is an athletic trainer and for the school nurse. They ran to the playground and said that he was dizzy and disoriented. They escorted him to the nurse's office where they said he complained of a horrible headache and nausea. They called for us, and to make a long story short, we ended up in Urgent Care. We got right in (head injuries get top priority, apparently), which was a huge blessing, since the Urgent Care was filled w/ fluish looking people. And to make a long story short, he has a concussion but no brain bleed. Thank God. I spent all night waking him up every 2 hours and kept him home from school today...just in case. He's not allowed to do any contact sports at least until Thursday, when we see the doctor again. That alone might kill him.


Rudd Family said...

Oh Megan, yet another doctor/hospital visit! Poor Owen.

Toni said...

Good golly! That's crazy! But I guess with all of his physical activity, it's a wonder this hasn't happened before now. Hope he continues to be okay!

Becky said...

Goodness, I'm glad he is okay!