Monday, July 21, 2008

Time for our slow down.

IMG_4762, originally uploaded by megan bauer.

These past two weeks have been crazy for us. The big boys were doing swim lessons: Emmett at 10 and Owen at 1. Owen did soccer camp from 9-12. We had evening soccer practice on Tuesday and Friday. Piano lessons on Wednesday and I still worked twice a week. We literally ran to one place, came home for an hour and went back again. Mom's taxi for sure. This week should be better. Emmett has basketball camp two days during the week and Owen has reading camp every day. Birthday party on Friday. Soccer on Monday and Tuesday. Piano on Wednesday, and I work on Tuesday and Friday. But still..not as crazy as last week.


Amy Coffman Phillips said...

i'm tired just reading this...

life with my boys... said...

You are in great need of a slow down...but can you DO IT???

Unknown said...

Don't you love it...even though you don't get to chew your food, or read a whole article in the paper. Being a mom is the best!

Unknown said...

btw, Miles has the same shorts as Henry is wearing in that picture, did you get the matching hat too? Adorable!

Anonymous said...

My dear friend, that is not slowing down! Good luck with that schedule. You guys are so busy, but it all sounds like fun!
Amy Jo