Sunday, July 20, 2008

8 months

IMG_4799, originally uploaded by megan bauer.

My baby turned 8 months today. He's still as sweet as he was as a newborn. He just started waving bye-bye, and it's super adorable. He does it with his whole arm (and sometimes both arms). He gets MAD when his brothers are playing w/ something he wants. He'll scream until they give it to him (the latest is a balloon). He's sitting up well and rolling over constantly. He's still not crawling (his brothers were by 7 months) and I think it will be awhile. He HATES being on his tummy and rolls immediately when I put him there. Interestingly, he sleeps on his tummy. I put him on his back and he rolls to his stomach to sleep. Crazy kid. He eats baby food three times a day, but he doesn't love it. Usually I can get a half a jar per feeding down him. He eats some people food, too...chicken, rice, cheerios, cheese, yogurt. The only thing he really seems to love is the yogurt. He still nurses 5-6 times a day, but thankfully no longer at night. Finally, for the past week, he's been sleeping well at night ....11-12 hours. We are a MUCH happier family! He has two bottom teeth. And, everywhere we go people comment on how beautiful he is. Those eyes! Those lashes! Someone told me on Thursday he should be in commericals. He's such a happy little guy.

1 comment:

Spindler Clan said...

I can't believe he's 8 months already! So happy that the night sleeping is going better and mommy and daddy can get some shut eye at night! Definitely makes life easier, doesn't it?