I couldn't resist taking this picture of my sweet boys. It's so nice when they are both asleep :). Owen has been scared of EVERYTHING lately. His current focus is fires and earthquakes. He said to me last night, "Mom, do you know why I'm so scared of everything?" "It's because I dont want to die." I've been trying to explain to him that there are certain things in life that we can't control and we shouldn't spend our energy worrying about things we can't control. It seems to be helping.....a little bit. But, what seems to be helping even more is sleeping w/ his little brother.
PS What you can't see in this photo is me moving both boys to my bed about an hour later when I go to sleep. Since Eddie has been gone, I've let them sleep w/ me once I go to sleep. They sleep good. I, well....not so much.
PPS Check out Owen's crazy hair. He won't let me cut it, because soccer players have long hair, you know?
Oh so sweet! Actually, there's nothing sweeter than sleeping kiddos, is there? What in the world are you going to do when the baby comes?! Two kids in and out of your room- baby waking up anyway... doesn't seem like it's going to work! I'm guessing they'll be sleeping together in Em's big bed come baby time!
Huh, the boys' crazy matching jammies distracted me from focusing in on the baseball sheets. Oh, those are TOO COOL!
These are SO sweet! Sometimes I watch Wyatt for a moment when he is sleeping because he is so peaceful - and he is always on the go while he is awake!
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