Sunday, October 14, 2007

Pregnancy: Unedited

IMG_1512, originally uploaded by megan bauer. I know that this is a little dark and kind of gross. But, it is my ankle and my fingerprint molded into my ankle. I definetely have 3-4+ pitting edema (swelling, for you non-nurses/MD's)! Disgusting! 43 days and counting.....


Spindler Clan said...

I feel your pain girl, I really do!!! Hang in there, not too much longer! Get those feet up! Do I sound like I know what I am talking about!!

Eddie...prop her feet up on pillows at night! :) Meg..pretend you are on modified bed rest from here on out!! Who cares about cleaning..oh yeah, you and I don't really care anyway do we!! ha ha!:)

Amy Coffman Phillips said...

poor baby. i thought that was a belly button at first! hang in there. you're almost done and the baby will make it all worth it. :)

Kim said...

Hello. Take it easy! Can't wait to meet the little guy and also know what you decide for a name! Kim

iowaguelys said...

oh, megs, that looks so uncomfortable! Can you wear any shoes at all? crocs? :) I won't do ANY complaining now! -annie