Monday, October 15, 2007

Broadway here he comes...

Got a phone call today that Owen has made call backs for Tiny Tim in the Christmas Carol. And the director told me that even if he didn't get Tiny Tim, he would be cast in the show. This is a HUGE production on Syracuse's main stage in front of thousands and it couldn't be at a worst time. Rehearsels (spelling?) start November 1 and they perform December 13-30. But, he gets paid :) and he'll think it's a blast and my mom and dad will be here to see him perform and they have never seen him before. So, yeah!


Anonymous said...

AMAZING! That's unbelievable! Way to go, Owen!!!!!

amy said...

cThat is WONDERFUL news! I know it's at a horrible time, but it will be such a great experience for him! And your parents will get to see him perform too!

Congratulate him for me!
