Thursday, February 7, 2008


IMG_2822, originally uploaded by megan bauer.

Henry got his first vaccines today, a total of 4 shots. He didn't make a peep for the first two, but he was not happy that she continued and screamed through the third and fourth. He weighed 13-2 today, which is super impressive because that means he has gained almost a pound in a week. I caught this photo of the boys and love it. Henry was laying on the ground just looking around and Owen went over to lay next to him while he watched TV. Owen is usually pretty uninterested in him, so I love that I caught him doing it. Every so often he would talk and smile at him and then go back to watching his show.


Anonymous said...

Wow, a pound in one week, way to go Henry! The picturess are so sweet you'll love having them when they get older and are arguing with eachother and you can pull out the proof that they once coexisted happily or at least somewhat.

Toni said...

Oh, the real bonding has begun! Can you imagine if you had TWO kiddos WAY interested in the baby 24-7! I lived it; never a relaxing moment!

Toni said...

Tyla doesn't make a peep with her vaccines either! I think that's crazy! It must be a chunky-thigh thing?!

Anonymous said...

It's not a chunky thigh skinny boy is an angel with his shots too!!! HA!