Saturday, November 17, 2007


IMG_1660, originally uploaded by megan bauer.

I love how Emmett's hands look when he is playing the piano. So tiny, yet perfect.


Anonymous said...
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Amy Coffman Phillips said...

this is an ad. you can delete it, but it will keep happening. if i were you, delete this and wait and see how many spam comments you get. if it gets to be too many, you can make your blog private like i did. it's a bit of a pain to get everyone signed up, but once they're used to it it's no biggie. at least it wasn't snarky and mean like i get on my youtube videos.

Toni said...

Yuck! How does this crap creep into our lives?!
Em is the cutest!


how is piano going, does he like it. sophia has long skinny fingers. so many people tell me she should be a pianist. not sure if she is ready for lessons yet though, probably more waste of money like gymnastics, ballet, etc : )