Saturday, September 18, 2010

He's off and running...

004, originally uploaded by megan bauer.

Henry started preschool this past Thursday. PRESCHOOL! Where has the time gone. True - he's only going for 2.5 hours, twice a week. True - he's going to preschool for 3 years before he will start kindergarten. But stil. A big stinkin' deal. I have a whole 5 hours a week to myself, and it's going to be wonderful. I'm hoping my closets are cleaned from top to bottom. (yes - this probably won't get done for years. Or, okay - until they are in college. But, a gal can hope, right?)

We've been talking about school A LOT - especially since Owen and Emmett started school. But, I never took him to the preschool to check it out before starting (he used to drop and pick up Emmett w/ me - but that was 2 years ago, and he has no recollection). He never met the teachers, and he didn't know a single soul in the class (third child - what can I say?) So, on the day he was supposed to start - he tried to get out of the car when I dropped Owen and Emmett off and go to school there. He was completely bothered that he wasn't going to Van Buren Elementary. I talked him into sitting down and helping me find his school, and when we pulled into the parking lot, he said, "OK - see you MOM!". I calmly suggested that he let me walk him in and introduce him to the teachers, and he thought that would be OK. We walked in. Hung up his backpack. Went potty. Tried to ignore the 3 screaming girls that were clinging to 3 teachers.

Henry was in his element. He walked right in. Introduced himself to a friend, "Hi, I Henry Bauer. We can be friends, all right?" And, all was good. He had a great time.

When I picked him up his teacher said, "What a cutie. This child is LOADED with personality." You think?


Crazycarmella said...

Wow! What a big boy!!!!! Good job Henry!

Toni said...

Henry is simply amazing! He knows how to be such the perfect #3!!! Way to go!!