Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I've reached a new low in parenting..

013, originally uploaded by megan bauer.

Today was haircut day :). Owen hates haircut day. He usually ends up w/ an "air trim", and I don't choose to fight that battle too often. We have lots of other battles to fight. Besides, his hair is thick and wavy and pretty. But, we're leaving for Florida in 7 days (we are soooo excited!!!) and I wanted them perfectly trimmed (lots of photo ops there, you know).

So, I did it. I stooped to a new low. Owen is kind of a non-fiction junkie and it wasn't that long ago that he was obsessed w/ sharks. (I think it coincided w/ shark week on TLC - or was it Animal Planet?). Anyway, I spent last week searching for a new swimsuit for Owen, because he refuses to wear his current swimsuits to the beach in Florida. The reason: they're bright colored and sharks are attracted to bright colors. His camoflauge one won't work either, because a shark might mistake him for a sea turtle.

So, on the way to getting hair cuts I mentioned to Owen that I read some research recently that said that sharks were attracted to long, blonde hair (because it's light colored and all). At first, he didn't believe me. "Mom - I know a whole lot about sharks and I've never heard that." But, I persisted. "I think it's new research.". Hmmm...he says and thought about it. I didn't think it worked. But, when he climbed into the chair, he said, " can take a lot off."

Now, I feel guilty. But, he feels safe. A win-win situation?


cathi said...

Megan --that is sooo bad!!! His hair was beautiful! Lying to your child to get your own way! I never did that and I'm just sure your mom didn't! LOL

MAEE said...

I love it! He looks adorable. But don't you long for the moppy hair to return? I know I do! I tell you, you should get an award for creativity...

Unknown said...

That is hilarious! He does look really cute with the hair cut though.

Amy Busch said...

LOVE the haircuts and am so excited for you guys getting to go to Destin!!! You'll have so much fun.

Toni said...

AWESOME! You are cracking me up! I think it was a MOST creative way to 'win' that battle- a good battle considering the many photo ops coming up! I want to go to Florida too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

life with my boys... said...

sounds win win to me, but then again, i hit an all new parenting low on a daily basis!

Amy Coffman Phillips said...

wow. you crack me up. just wait until he finds out you lied, though. perhaps there is a way to say you made a mistake and were wrong before that?

Erica said...

Laughing!!! That is too funny!!
I love the cut!