Sunday, July 5, 2009

Henry's allergy testing

Oh....I forgot to share my experience about Henry meeting w/ the allergist/asthma doc for the first time. This was scheduled because of his numerous episodes w/ bronchiolitis (including his hospitalization at 3 months w/ RSV), and because of the rash he broke out w/ during his last hospitalizations that made them suspect he may have a latex allergy. Interesting side note: my boys allergist/asthma doc just happens to be the brother of Obama's supreme court nominee: Sotameyer. He's been on national news a bunch lately in regards to his sis.

Anyway, have I mentioned lately what a tough little guy Henry his? He rarely cries (although he does A LOT of high pitched screaming). He could honestly fall down a flight of stairs, stand up and brush himself off, and keep going. The kid is TOUGH. So, I wasn't completely suprised that he didn't make a peep as the nurse poked him over 25 times (one after another) in the back to test for allergies. He did say "owww.." a few times, but nary a tear. The staff was shocked. I, on the other hand, wasn't.

Good news! He tested negative to everything! YIPEE! Now, they didn't test for latex, because that requires a blood test (which were going to be doing next) and he also wanted to test for immune deficiencies because of his propensity for getting sick. But, I'm happy he has no allergies. Owen at this age was allergic to: eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, and feathers. Now, he's allergic to grass, trees, cats, mold, and dust. It's been a while since he's been tested though, and he's scheduled for a re-test in November. Emmett has always tested negative to everything, too.

This makes me hopeful that he will eventually out grow his asthma. I'm a little less hopeful for Owen, because of his mass quantities of allergies that trigger his asthma.


Anonymous said...

Yeah for no allergies! They are no fun.

Amy Coffman Phillips said...

woohoo! that's great news. did i tell you that when dave took that test, doctors brought in med students to gawk at his inflamed arm? he tested postitive to absolutely everything. poor guy. hope ellen avoids that.