Saturday, March 1, 2008

Visiting w/ friends

IMG_2957, originally uploaded by megan bauer.

One of the days we were home we got to visit w/ my mom's oldest and dearest friend, Paula Borah (from Springfield, Illinois). I grew up w/ Paula's daughter, Ashley, who has since moved to Peoria, Illinois. So, Paula, Ashley, and Ashley's two little ones, Ellie and Abbie all came to visit. It was mass chaos, but so much fun! It was great seeing them all again. Ashley's daughter, Ellie (4 years old), is sitting next to Emmet in this photo. Evelyn and Josephine (my nieces) are on the end. Ashley's daughter, Abbie (2 years), bolted from the picture! (Smart girl!!!)


Toni said...

What a crew! Fun, fun, fun!

Amy Coffman Phillips said...

hmmm...Ellie. What a cute name! ;)