Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Surgery x 4 for my baby boy...

006, originally uploaded by megan bauer.

It's been an active few weeks for my baby boy. He had a sleep study done after his peds pulmonologist recommended one. Apparently, it's part of a new protocol for kids who are diagnosed with severe asthma. He failed it.

He also had his fourth ear infection since October - when his tubes fell out.

He had a hearing test and failed. Probably because of the fluid that's not leaving his ears. Hopefully..that's all and it will resolve.

And, he visited his pediatric surgeon who has been keeping a watchful eye on his epigastric hernia.

To make a long story short, he's having surgery - 4 different surgeries. Same day. Same time. He's having his tonsils and adenoids removed. His having tubes put in his ears. He's having his epigastric hernia repaired. All at one time. The ENT and peds surgeon are going to work together at the same time, so Henry doesn't have to be intubated for an additional surgery. Intubation is riskier for asthmatics. He's going to spend a few days in the hospital. I'm feeling really sad for him....


JulyG319 said...

Oh I so hope that these surgeries will make life so much better for him, and you. I will keep you all firmly in my thoughts!!!! *hugs*

Anonymous said...

Oh that poor baby! I feel so bad for him. At least it can be done in one shot! Hugs to him from his Fort Collins friends!

Erica said...

Prayers for Henry! (And you!!)

Toni said...

WOW! That's intense! Looking forward to a much healthier little guy very soon! Lots of love and hugs to you all!!!!!

Rudd Family said...

Poor guy! Hope he's feeling better soon.

Southworth Crew said...

poor little guy!