Originally uploaded by megan bauer
Thanks, Erica!
I've been Tagged for a fun new game by my friend Erica!
Here is what you do:
1. Open your pictures folder (or Picasa)
2. Go to the 4th folder
3. Open the folder and pick out the 4th picture
4. Once you find that picture, share the picture and what it means to you or what is going on in the picture.
I don't have many photos on my computer since I just got a new laptop. So, I followed the directions from my Flickr account. This was in my 4th folder, picture number 4.
This photo was taken at a bowling alley (duh!) in Colorado in April 2004. Owen was just shy of 3 1/2. I remember Eddie and I took Owen bowling and left Emmett w/ our dear friend, Andrea Holt. I remember that this was important to us because we felt like Owen wasn't getting enough alone "mom and dad" time. This makes me chuckle now....4 1/2 years later, because there is no such thing as "alone mom and dad time". We operate by "divide and conquer". We never have two parents w/ one child. Doesn't happen. And, even more importantly, I don't think the kids are suffering from it. So, there you have it.
Toni, Jessica, Amy D., Annie, Julie G., Pam, Jen D., Sheila, Robin, Amy M., Danielle, Amy C., Elizabeth....TAG, you're it!
I think spending Henry's first birthday at the pet store was a perfect idea. Henry LOVES animals and he had a blast checking out all the puppies and parakeets. We went to Petland in Cicero this AM for a Mommy N Me event, make your own beta fish. It was a super event. $7.50 for a beta fish, container, rocks, food, plant, and water cleaner. What a deal. In addition, they had donuts, coffee, juice, and bottled water to enjoy while we were there. And, they brought in some puppies for the kids to hold. Henry and Emmett had a blast. And, we now have a fish.
Emmett and Traden, our new beta fish. Owen and Emmett named him together when Owen got home from school. Not quite sure how they came up w/ Traden.....
Henry and Emmett watch a movie while they wait for Owen to get home from school. Up next: cake, ice cream, presents!
This is my best photo of the cake...the others I took were blurry. Notice the ones around the edge say Henry on them. It had a white top layer (for Henry) and the rest was chocolate. We got it at the same place we got Owen's cupcakes.
My good friend (and neighbor) Sheila has been watching my boys for 3 hours before Eddie gets home when I go to work. She snapped this photo of Henry one afternoon last week when she was feeding him dinner. Needless to say, she had to put him in the bath after his pasta dinner. :)
Owen celebrated his 8th birthday on Tuesday at the Sports Center. It was a fabulous day for him and us. Owen had plans to re-enact a big soccer game w/ his two fave soccer teams: Manchester United and Chelsea. And, I ended up finding these soccer jerseys (shown in the photos) for $3.74 a piece on clearance at Target. They were awesome. Red for Manchester and blue for Chelsea. I wasn't planning on buying party favors or team jerseys, because we had 25 kids there but when I came across these shirts for such a good price, I couldn't resist. And, it really made the soccer game SO much fun. Eddie coached Manchester United and one of Owen's fave soccer coaches, Coach Freddie, coached Chelsea. His cake is actually a cupcake cake. It was awesome. The soccer balls on top are candles. Owen had an absolute blast and because it was Veteran's Day and the center had nothing else scheduled for the fields, we got to stay past our allotted 2 hours to keep playing. It was Owen's absolute fave day: good friends, good soccer, good food.
In their Manchester United jerseys. Pardon the chocolate left on their faces....MOM: I'm sure I cleaned their faces right after I took this photo (wink, wink)
Owen's 8th birthday was this past Thursday. I think he had a really wonderful day. I made his fave breakfast for him (pumpkin pancakes and apple cider syrup), and then he had school. Emmett, Henry, and I brought popsicles and ice cream sandwiches to his class and Eddie met him for lunch in the Van Buren Cafeteria. After school, a good friend (Amy Davis) babysat Henry so we (and good friends the Spindlers and Pompos) could go see High School Musical 3. It was absolutely fabulous. I asked Owen after the show if it made him miss being on stage. And, he said, "oh, yes...it really does." Then, dinner at the mall and home for presents and cake. His birthday party at the soccer center is tomorrow. I gotta admit, I'm having a bit of trouble trying to get the words, "8 years old" to roll off my tongue. It seems SO OLD.
Owen strategically picked up the shirt he would wear on his 8th birthday. 8 is the number of his fave soccer player, Wayne Rooney. That has to be good luck for the year he's 8, right?
The mall parking lot. Heading into HSM 3. Owen, Emmett, and their good buddy (and neighbor), Keaton Spindler.
This photo was taken yesterday. It was Owen's last day of being 7. I'm having a HARD time thinking about the number 8. As he has reminded me, over and over and over, in 10 years he will be voting FOR REAL! I'm having a rough week, too, w/ lots of big decisions to make. As many of you know, I have been searching everyone's brains for different thoughts and opinions. I tend to be one of those people who like to listen to many different points of view before making a decision (remember my baby name poll?). Anyway, I'm going to share the story and if you have a thought....I'd LOVE to hear it. I went to Owen's parent teacher conference last week. I knew that he was doing well in school and I was prepared to talk to the teacher about his complaints of being bored. We seem to be having this conversation w/ every teacher he gets. I had told his teacher my concerns a few weeks ago and so he was prepared. What I wasn't completely prepared for was the different solution options he gave me. Let me start from the beginning: Owen is somewhat bizarre (as many of you know). He LOVES workbooks (and has been doing them religiously since he was three). He LOVES to talk and is WAY more comfortable w/ adults and older children then his peers. He doesn't have ANY super great friends (he invited NO ONE from his class to his birthday party), but his teacher called him a "floater" - meaning he floats around the room playing w/ everyone. More importantly, he doesn't CARE! I can put him in any situation, any class, and he could not know a single person in the room and it doesn't bother him. He's mega confident in his own skin and loves to perform and be the center of attention (remember him as Tiny Tim?). And, he's a RULE FOLLOWER. He can not fathom why anyone would not listen to the "rules". He has lists for everything and has a notebook filled w/ different lists (remember the hurricane one?) . His new list is a graph of all the different boy/girl names he can think of and how many start w/ each letter. I remember him doing a "how many people speak different languages" graph last year. He's a master litigator and argues EVERYTHING w/ me. Unfortunately, he often has good points and I have to listen to his reasoning. And, he tends to have OCD tendencies. His obsession w/ soccer started 2 years ago w/ no signs of fading. He would choose learning or workbooks over playing (unless it was soccer). He's an old soul.
OK...back to the story. His teacher told me that at the beginning of the year his reading was at a 30. 2nd graders are expected to be at a 28 by the end of the year, so he's way ahead there. And reading is his WORST subject. He's really a math and science kid. And, I know there are MANY very bright kids in elementary school, but the problem is he is DEMANDING MORE! He is major irritated when kids in his class are off task and he finishes all of his assignments really early, so then he goes to the computer to do work or he walks around helping other students. He rarely brings home homework. And, he's bothered. He wants to be learning more. He complains.
Solutions as posed by Owen's teacher: skipping a grade, homeschooling, private school, or nothing.
This is Eddie and my big debate right now.
Skipping a grade. His teacher thought this was a possibility and Owen would do fine (keep in mind that the cut off is December 1 here, so technically he could be in third grade, anyway. Although, he would then start college at 17, be a college senior at 16, etc.). The problem w/ this per the teacher is that the third grade class is WILD. And, Owen would be SUPER bothered by their inability to focus.
Homeschooling. OK...I have some homeschooling friends that read this. Thoughts? My initial thought is NO WAY. I don't think I can do this. I'm fairly certain I wouldn't be any good at it.
Private School. There is a private school in Syracuse (MPH) that my dear neighbor has been telling me Owen belonged at since kindergarten. We are going to an open house there on Sunday. It sounds like a great fit for him. Small class sizes (1:7). Spanish or French instruction starting in K (he LOVES the idea of learning Spanish!) And, because you have to test into the school, all the kids are bright and focused. They only accept a small amount each year and there's a huge criteria to get in: testing, dramatic art experience (which he has), has to play an instrument (he's been playing piano for 2 years), recommendations from current principle and teacher. I think we're going to check it out...he may not even get in. This sounds like the best fit, but OMG!!! MONEY! We're talking 14,000 a year! No joke! They offer financial aid packages, but seriously, how much financial aid would they have to give me to make it affordable???
Do nothing. I think his teacher is doing a good job w/ him now. He had him do a research project to the class (the only one in his class to do so), and he's pulling him out to do multiplication and extra reading. He's also sending him to the library if extra time permits to work on research projects w/ the librarian. And, he's going to be doing a power point presentation to the class soon. He has also assured me that there is a third grade teacher (for next year) that will push him hard and he will make sure he's in her class. Problem? His teacher is not tenured and he is out of the class ALL THE TIME! I mean 1-2 times per week at meetings, etc. Which means LOTS of subs and lots of doing NOTHING!
Oh, what to do, what to do. I'm trying to keep in perspective. Like maybe this isn't as big of a deal as I'm making it. But, I want to make the right decision for my child. I'm afraid that this huge desire to learn will diminish if I don't feed it. But, I also don't want the other kiddos to lose opportunities because all of our money is going to one AND I don't want to go into debt.
HELP! Do you have any suggestions? I'm taking any or all comments, ideas.......I know many of you have education backgrounds or your own personal experiences to share. Anything that might help me make a decision would be appreciated.
Final note: I've also been told that kids typically don't start to demand more until 6th gradeish...so if he's already bored and begging to learn more I really need to do something!
Henry in his Halloween costume (since he outgrew his monkey). This was Owen's 7 short years ago.
This is my motley crew on Halloween. Emmett was pouting, because he was super grouchy...who knows about what? And, he ended up going home early w/ Eddie and Henry and passing out candy. Then, he recharged and went back out w/ Owen and I later in the evening. Henry was hilarious. He held out his candy basket as if saying, "I don't really know what you are putting in here, but my brothers are REALLY excited about it so throw some in for me too, please." And, no I didn't give him any chocolate yet, but he did have a handful of suckers. Til next year....