Friday, December 3, 2010

Celebrating 3

397, originally uploaded by megan bauer.

Our house is under construction. STILL! The week of Henry's birthday there was SERIOUS construction going on. Like the kind of construction that involves us not living in our house - except to sleep. We get up and leave by 830 and come back at 5. Our refrigerator is in the formal living room - next to the piano. The kitchen table is in the family room. Our floors were torn up. We were eating out for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (oh, and as I post this my house is STILL torn up). There was NO WAY we were going to be able to host a party at our house.

So..enter 2 super good friends of my mine. My friend, Sheila, offered to host a party for Henry at her house for lunch (the kids had a half day), and my friend, Michele, offered to have us over for a dinner party. How lucky are WE???

1 comment:

Toni said...

SUCH cute cheeks- great shot!