Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Scenes from Christmas

My dad flew in for Christmas! The boys were super excited to see him and he must have been quite happy too, because Owen said to him. "Wow grandpa, I'm not sure I've ever seen you smile before!" Out of the mouths of babes! The boys got electric scooters and a giga ball (the yellow thing in the picture - you get in and someone pushes you around in it), but they haven't played much with those toys, because they also got new games for their Wii. And that's all they want to w/ the Wii! UGH! Luckily, Owen has soccer camp this week so he can't completely rot in front of the Wii. As for me...I'm tired. Henry hasn't been sleeping so much this week, and while he hasn't got fussy or colicky he certainly doesn't like to be put down. So, Eddie and I have pretty much spent every minute of the day holding him. If we put him down, he cries. Suggestions? It's very similiar to what Owen was like. I'm hoping to get my Christmas Cards out this week. (Now, I guess they are New Year's Cards)


Spindler Clan said...

Great pics! I especially love the pic of Eddie holding Henry and the REMOTE while he is sleeping! :) Too funny! I am glad your dad is here! So much fun for the boys to have Grandpa around.

Toni said...

Wow! Looks like Santa over did it this year once again! So great to have Grandpa there during this special time!

Amy Coffman Phillips said...

i don't think we're any better than your boys. we rot in front of the wii too. get dance dance revolution. my aunt jenna lost 15 lbs doing it and you know she was small to begin with. i'm trying it. i have to do something!!! this stubborn baby weight isn't losing itself as i had hoped. :)