Sunday, May 15, 2011

Emmett's present to me

038, originally uploaded by megan bauer.

Emmett's present to me was a stack of coupons, that he could fill in himself. Such as "Happy Mother's Day - I promise to: clean my room, fold laundry, empty the diswasher.

But my witty 7 year old decided to sign his brothers names to each of them. So the whole stack has "signed by" and either Owen or Henry next to it!

You should have seen Owen's face as I was reading them - he was all OH NO! I did NOT agree to do these things!

I told Emmett's teacher what he did a few days later, and after she stopped laughing - she said she just gave the students a stack of coupons each and told them to fill them in. She had NO idea that he didn't sign his own name to them. HA!

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