Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Motley Crew

003, originally uploaded by megan bauer.

This was the first year that I can remember since moving to Bville that it has been cold. For some reason, I remember Fort Collins being icy and cold every Halloween. But, Baldwinsville has always been nice enough on Halloween that the princesses and superheros didn't have to put jackets over their costumes, and the men (and well, women, too) carried their adult beverages around and pulled a cooler of refills behind them in a wagon. We live in a neighborhood full of endless houses and the previous Halloweens we would linger around with friends and neighbors enjoying good conversation, while the kids enjoyed good candy.

This scenario did not happen this year. This year it was freezing. And drizzling. And snowing - off and on. This year we went around the block and Emmett and I called it, and came home.

Eddie and the scary skeleton went for about another hour, and then returned home as frozen popsicles. Brrrr.....

Owen said this skeleton costume was the best ever, because he didn't have to smile for photos. Ahhh...I love my preteen.


Anonymous said...

You did notice that the policeman's shirt is buttoned wrong! He looks adorable, of course, along with the dinosaur cutie! And I really like the skeleton costume, too! Even though, I can't see my buddy's face. Love, Mom

Toni said...

WOW! I'm SO surprised everyone is in a real costume; I thought for sure O would be a soccer player for the 3rd year in a row! HA! Luv the preteen comment about smiling- SO funny!
Sorry about the crummy weather- we stole the good back and had a nice one here in FC!

Amy Axe said...

How fun are you guys! Love that Owen didn't have to smile!