Friday, April 15, 2011

Henry's rough month...

027, originally uploaded by megan bauer.

My baby boy hasn't had it easy. Henry had surgery on March 18 to repair an epigastric hernia, remove his tonsils and his adenoids, and put tubes in. 12 days before the surgery - that we had planned for a long time - he had pneumonia and bilateral ear infections. There was talk that we would have to reschedule his surgery, but thankfully, they rechecked his lungs days before and said they were clear enough to proceed. And then,they also discovered he had thrush (which he's also had before - due to all his asthma meds and antibiotics), and then they weren't sure they would do the procedure because of the thrush. OH MY GOODNESS!!!
Thankfully, they did. 2 surgeons worked in tandem to take care of all 4 procedures. The poor baby didn't tolerate it very well. I wasn't surprised. The ENT wasn't surprised. Henry doesn't eat or drink well on a good day. His pediatrician and his pulmonologist are forever trying to push Pediasure on him (but...I can't quite figure out why they think he would drink pediasure if he won't eat or drink real food? That stuff is nasty!) He's only gained 1 pound over the last 6 months, and he was underweight to start with. His surgery was scheduled for 8 AM. We arrived at the hospital at 630 AM, and the surgery was pushed back until 1030. It wasn't until 10 AM that he asked if he could have a drink of something. He never mentioned food. The kid doesn't eat or drink well on a good day. I KNEW he wouldn't tolerate the surgery well!
Anyway, to make a long story short, Henry spent 4 days in the hospital before he would eat or drink enough that they let him come home. I'm sure glad the whole thing is over!

This photo was taken before he went back for surgery. He had no idea what was coming....

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