Sunday, August 1, 2010

Just to make you smile?

Wanna hear a funny story?

We lost Henry. (that's not the funny part). Anyway, we lost Henry. Lost him. As in, the was no less than 20 people looking for him. Tears are streaming down my face, and down the face of all the mothers looking for him. Lost him. A good 5-6 minutes worth.

We were at a soccer tournament in Rochester, NY. It was a really good game. All of a sudden, I'm all "Eddie! Where's Henry?" WHERE. IS. HENRY?????. Chaos ensued. Everyone is looking. COULD. NOT. FIND. HIM!

Finally, screaming! WE'VE GOT HIM. WE'VE GOT HIM.

And now, for the funny part. You'll never guess where he was?

While everyone was searching for him...Henry was sitting comfortably on the porta potty - 2 fields over. Pooping.

How perfectly independent is my potty trained 2 year old???? I'm guessing he tugged on my or Eddie's shirt a few times (who are we kidding?? Eddie's shirt), and said he had to go potty. When we (he) shushed him - as I said it was a good game - he must have decided to take matters into his own hands. My baby boy - who hasn't had an accident in FOREVER - found a place to poop on his own.

I'm grateful that he didn't fall in (he has a super skinny bottom) and drown in the blue gunk at the bottom of the porta potty. Love this kid.


Amy Axe said...

That is hilarious! My kids can't quite laughing!

Rudd Family said...

So, so funny! And I'm a little jealous because my 3 1/2 year old is still scared of pooping on the potty.

Toni said...

Yes! LUV that kid! A story never to forget; it just doesn't get any funnier!

Southworth Crew said...

I must say that is very funny. One of those mommy storys you will remember forever.

Amy Coffman Phillips said...

yikes. scary, gross, and funny. the makings of a good story. :)

Alison said...

So, so funny. And so, SO glad that all was well.

Can you imagine if he had fallen in? You'd have to dip him in bleach. Ugh.