Thursday, August 12, 2010

He rocks my world....

101, originally uploaded by megan bauer.

(even with a dirty face).

I am so stinking excited! Guess what this little man does?? Not only is he completely - I mean COMPLETELY potty trained - as in not having to carry extra clothes with me - and I can't remember the last time he had an accident. THAT kind of potty trained. But, he also no longer uses the little potty - and he is completely - I mean COMPLETELY independent with his toileting skills. I mean I don't even pay attention to when he goes. He gets on the potty himself. Gets off himself. Wipes himself. Pulls his pants up and down himself. Flushes himself (you know what I mean). Uses Purell himself. HOW AWESOME IS THAT?

Now, he took a little longer to stop having accidents then my other boys. Owen had no more accidents by 2 years and 6 months. Emmett by 2 years and 5 months. Henry by 2 years and 6.5 months. BUT - my other boys used the little potty longer - and needed wiping assistance for much longer. happy to be sailing through these not so fun milestones.

Oh - and he has taken a liking to calling me Megan. And, when he doesn't call me Megan - he calls me Mama Bauer. My big boys think it's hilarious. Glad someone does....alright does make me smile. A little.


Toni said...

Such milestones! What a great kid for making it so easy on mom (after a few months of ugh!)! Awesome job!!!

Nicki said...

Thats awesome about the potty training! I bet it feels good to have THAT part of his life behind you! As for calling you Megan, lol, Pufferfish gets a kick out of calling her parents by their first names. In fact, I think all three of them went through that stage! But I remember when I was two years old, I called my mom by her first name, and she spanked me!!!!! :P

Erica said...

Awww. Mamma Bauer. =)